ICPM 2014: Thoughts from a First timer


Believe it or not, but yeah, it was my first time to join the ICPM. And it blew me away!

For the past years, I always have this thought that ICPM is just an escape to conquer nations- that, it’s just an event to gather those who are not in the nations- a way to travel and experience it for a short time yet won’t ever dare to go and be like Abraham. So, there, I didn’t join the previous ICPMs.  I promised to join the event once I’m already outside PH. Weird thoughts, right? I know. I’m weird. ^_^

Finally, PRAISE GOD! I was at ICPM 2014 and was even part of the organizing team. Indeed, “Experience is the teacher of all things”- Julius Caesar.  My mindset was 180-degrees changed.  I love how God revealed a picture of what I missed.

 I actually don’t regret not attending the first few ICPMs. I know God wants me to value what ICPM really means. He wants me to savour the moment, to value the experience and capture the lessons by heart.

Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia- the place where we had the ICPM 2014 with the theme “Open Doors”.  Before ICPM, we were preparing stuff such as videos and booklets for the participants. There, I learned important details about the place. God gave me this revelation why among all the places in the world, or in Malaysia, Kota Kinabalu was chosen to be the place for ICPM 2014.

According to my dear friend- Wikipedia, Kota Kinabalu, formerly known as Jesselton, is the capital of the state of Sabah, located in East Malaysia. Kota Kinabalu is named after Mount Kinabalu. Kinabalu is derived from the name Aki Nabalu meaning the “revered place of the dead.” Aki means “ancestors” or “grandfather”, and Nabalu is a name for the mountain in the Dusun language. There is also a source claiming that the term originated from Ki Nabalu, where Ki  meaning “have” or “exist”, and Nabalu meaning “spirit of the dead”.

Gotcha! Open doors for the spirit of the dead!  A sacred place of the dead!

Who would want to open a door for the dead? Would you dare to open your door when you know that the one knocking is already dead? Let’s accept the fact that we won’t. Of course, we won’t. Hello!  It will definitely freak us out, look for a place to hide, close our eyes, and cover our ears.  

But I know of one person who would open a door for the dead without hesitation, a person who would welcome them and even offer water or food [in case the dead would like to eat, yah know, for hospitality purposes]- He is Jesus. So why are we at Kota Kinabalu? God wants us to be like Jesus. He wants us to conquer our fears. He wants us to open the doors we have closed for so many years because we are afraid of welcoming those we think are not welcome to enter. He wants us to be bold and change our perspectives. There are many nations just like Kota Kinabalu who are waiting for God’s chosen people to stand up and release love to those who are still dead. He wants us to go to a place where God is not yet known, a place where dead haven’t yet risen back to life, a place where His signs and wonders are not yet seen.  He wants us to transform a sacred place of the dead to a place of lively and lovely [coz dead guys look anemic] people, worshipping Him in unity and experiencing the outpouring of his unfailing love. Even the Bible says “in God’s sight. As it is written:  I have made you the father of many nations.  He believed in God, who gives life to the dead and calls things into existence that do not exist.” Romans 4:17 (HCSB). Therefore, let us be like Abraham. Let us believe in God’s mighty power. The time has come. Our time has come. Let us open all our doors for the dead for He has given us the spirit of life.

Let me share some of the beautiful words/ phrases I heard during the ICPM:

“It doesn’t mean that you said Yes to God, you have to let go of your dreams [unless God specifically told you so].” –Lester Ordan, ICPM 2014

“We will be tested on the very thing we value the most.” –  Jane Ordan, ICPM 2014

“Habits and routines are different. Building a habit is good but if it becomes a routine it can be limiting… The more you think you are not prepared, you are actually prepared.” – John Eric Sobrepena, ICPM 2014

“There is no delay in God’s promises, only delays in process.” – Paul Yadao, ICPM 2014

“Breakdowns can create breakthrough. Things fall apart so things can fall together.” – Tristram Batoto, ICPM 2014

“A person who is in-love will love what his/her lover loves.” – Val Celeste, ICPM 2014








Unstoppable Love

“God You pursue me
Your power and glory.
Unstoppable love that never ends.”

“That’s what love does-it pursues blindly, unflinchingly, and without end.

When you go after something you love, you’ll do anything it takes to get it, even if it costs everything.”

Love does by Bob Goff, Chapter 7, Page 52

Note to self: Just love, just do it.
Remembering Your unfailing love, even if when all else fails.